My name is David Readman from the UK, I’m living near Tilburg in the Netherlands, I also spent 23 years in Karlsruhe in Germany. I’m the of singer of Pink Cream 69, Voodoo Circle, Tank and many more. This channel is devoted to my journey in music, Travel, Tech, using Cubase and recording and the specifics of how the songs came to life! Many stories from the road, studio and memories from my childhood and growing up in the UK. I will also include listening sessions of how I recorded vocals Pink Cream 69 albums and other projects! I try to upload weekly, if you like my Vlogs, give them the thumbs up, subscribe and hit the bell for notifications of when I upload new content. I shoot my films with an old Canon 700D, GOPRO, and I edit with iMovie Soon I will start to do live streams, but that depends on how my channel grows! Content will be in English, German and funny Dutch! Welcome to my life! https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-david-readman-record-his-2nd-solo-album